The Mullins

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hollis is 15 months is this possible?! A look at month 14...

I cannot believe my Hollis man is growing so fast.  He is quite the hame, and such a loving cuddly baby!!!

Here is a look at all that he has been up to...

*Walks/runs everywhere!

*Can stand up from a sitting position without pulling up on anything

*Loves to play peek-a-boo and will put the blanket/scarf over his head on his own

*"Talks" up a storm

*Likes to do things on his own, becoming independent

*Loves to pull the pillow off of the couch

*Loves any toy that has a button to push!

*He is into everything...the trash, cabinets, and the computer (all the things he shouldn't be into) are his favorite things to get into

*Continues to be a good eater

*Still very shy, it takes him awhile to warm up to people and environments

*Continues to be a Mommy's boy, but beginning to be quite the Daddy's boy as well

*Loves to "beep" your nose

*Loves to stand in the fridge...he gets in there and stands on the ledge at the bottom everytime you open the fridge

*Continues to love bathtime and now likes to splash, doesn't mind getting water poured over his head, and loves to stomp his feet and walk back and forth in the tub!

*Scared to death of animals...especially dogs and cats!!!!  If we go to someones house with a dog or cat, he will cry upon seeing them!  Nothing has ever happened to make him be scared, but that is just his personality...very cautious and timid!

*Loves to wrestle and roll around on the floor.

*He is starting to have little tantrums when he isn't happy about something!  He will throw his lovey and scream.  You can tell he is mad about something!!!

*Lovey isn't just for bedtime, lovey goes everywhere with him along with that is beyond sweet!!!

*Thinks his brother is the best thing since sliced bread...everything Clayton does is funny, and Clayton can always make him smile!

*His latest thing is handing you things.  He loves to get things and hand them to you, get them back, and then hand them to you again!

*Sleeps and naps well!

*Goes to the pantry or fridge when he wants something to eat or drink and will fuss at you until you let him in.  He know just what he wants too...he picks what snack he wants and then closes the pantry doors!

*His big thing now is pointing, he loves to point at things he wants or is interested in and "tells" you all  about it

*Pushes cars around on the floor

 Big Boy getting his teeth brushed
 My Little Stud Muffin
 Showing Mommy his cookie :)
 First Popsicle!
 Not sure :)
 I love this picture, I think it is so neat with his reflection in the window
See who controls the remote in this house!?

He is such a sweet, sweet baby.  He can be very serious, and you can tell that he is always thinking and taking things in.  He is super smart and likes to get familiar with his surrounding before he will wander too far from Mommy.  He likes to mimic what his brother is doing.  He is just the joy and light of our lives along with his brother.  He is our sweet little Hollis man :)

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