The Mullins

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Time seriously needs to slow down! Hollis is 20 months!!!

A look at month 19...

*He has all of the sudden started talking up a storm!!!  He literally says a new word everyday!  He now says...Mama, Dada, Clayton (I am amazed at how clearly he says Clayton, but he is a huge fan of his big brother!), Dora, Boots, Nana, Gi Gi, choo choo, thank you, please, uh oh, bye bye, hi, oh no, no no, this, car, woof woof, Lily, puppy, and so many more!!!

*He know what he wants and he will definitely let you know!  He has started his little tantrums for sure ;)

*He wants to do everything his big brother does, and I must say he does a great job keeping up!

*I know I've said it a million times, but this baby is a monkey!  He literally climbs everything he sees.  Just the other day he climbed on the patio chair on the deck and then proceeded to climb on top of the table turn table, and had the biggest grin on his face.  He was so proud of himself!

*He has become a picky eater just like his big brother.  His staples are peanut butter and fruit, and anything junk food!

*He tries to carry on a conversation.  He goes on and on and throws in the words he does know.  Whatever he is saying, he means it!

*He is seriously THE cuddliest baby in the entire world.  It isn't enough for him to just be beside you.  He wants to be a close to you as possible and he wraps that little arm tight around my neck, he just melts my heart and fills it with love every time!

*He has the funniest faces, and so many of them.  It cracks me up!

*He can follow directions, it really amazes me how much he understands!

*He can work our Iphones like you wouldn't believe.  People watch him with amazement and come up to our table at restaurants all of the time saying they can't believe he does that.  He can even play this matching game.  I watched him thinking he was just guessing, but he will actually remember where a picture is and go back and match it!

I am so thankful for this sweet baby boy!!!!!!!

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