The Mullins

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hollis...19 months old...Already!!!!

Hollis is developing quite the personality!  He is shy, but mischevious...once he warms up, he is quite the ham!  He is such a loving cuddly baby, but is stubborn and strong willed at the same time.  He is all around perfect and I love every inch of him and his personality!!!

*He has a mouth full of teeth now, unbelievable.  The poor baby gets them 4 at a time!!!  Even Dr. Cochran commented on it!

*Still quite the climber...he makes me a nervous wreck.  He has no fear in that category!!!

*He is talking up a storm and says new words all the time.  Funny his favorite is Dora...that boy loves him some Dora!

*He knows what he wants and he is not afraid to tell you.  He will stand at the fridge or the pantry and let you know all about it until you open them up and get what he wants.

*He is so smart.  The other day, I said let's go swimming and he went and grabbed a swim diaper and brought it to me.  If the show he likes isn't on TV he will bring the remote and let you know he wants it changed.

*Wants everything the same as his big brother, and wants to do everything his big brother does.

*The child is a wiz at the Iphone.  It is unbelievalbe!!!  He can unlock it and work the games and videos.  This is definitely the age of technology!

*Can feed himself with a spoon, and is quite good at it!

*Loves, loves, loves Dora yogurt and peanut butter.  His two favorite things along with a love for junk like every other child!  ;)

*He is no longer afraid of dogs and actually loves Gi Gi's dog Lily.  The other day Lily was gone to the groomers and he was looking everywhere for her with his hands turned up like "where is she?!"

*If he isn't ready to go to bed, he will throw his lovey out over and over and over again...little turkey!

 My baby is getting so big!
 I know this is blurry, but proof of the climber that he is.  He had just been standing on the table beside the couch!  :/
 My sweet little monkey
 Yummy Doughnut!
 Self portrait...found this on my phone :)
 My little snuggle bunny
Does it get any cuter?!

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