The Mullins

Monday, June 4, 2012

Louisville Zoo Trip

Scott occasionally has to work in Louisville...a perk to being a stay at home mom is that we can now go on these trips with him!  Some of our dearest friends live in Louisville now and she is also a stay at home mom, so we made the trip to Louisville, dropped Scott off downtown and met Kari and Conner at the zoo!  It was an absolutely beautiful day weather wise and we had a great time.  It is a really nice zoo and has many animals that we don't have at the Evansville Zoo.  They even had a 4D Dora movie playing.  Clayton and Hollis both love Dora and they were beyond excited about seeing this movie.  Little did we know it sprayed water at us, made it feel like you were on a plane, and sprayed different scents throughout the move. The boys had a ball and were absolutely exhausted by the end of the day.  We look forward to going to the Louisville Zoo again, especially since we get in free with our Evansville membership!

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