The Mullins

Monday, June 4, 2012

Hollis is 18 months...Time Sure Does Fly!!! Here is a look at month 17...

Wow, how is my sweet baby 18 months!!!???  It seems each month just gets faster and faster!  He is changing daily and getting so big!  He had a great 18 month check up with Dr. Cochran!  He is happy and healthy, and I am so very thankful for that!  He weighed in at 22 lbs 5.5 oz, and is 31.25 inches the 25th percentile for both.  Both my boys have always been in the small size.  Dr. Cochran was very happy with his progress.  Hollis was a little unhappy because he is cutting 4 teeth right now, and then got two shots on top of that :(  I swear I still tear up everytime my boys get shots!

Here is a look at what he has been up to...

*I know I keep saying what a climber he is, but seriously this baby will scale any and everything!  He climbs on the couch by himself, tries to climb from the couch to the table, flies up the rock wall on the playset and can now do the ladder on his own, I have even caught him climbing up the outside of our stairs (they have a lip on the outside of them).  He scares me to death!  He is a dare devil to say the least, and it is hilarious...he just looks at you and smiles, he is so proud of himself!!!

*Starting to say more and more words...clearly says Clayton (boy does he love his brother!), loves Dora and it is unbelievably cute...he calls it Dora-ra (he even brings the remote to you and says "Dora ra", says "this", when looking for something he turns his hands up as if saying I don't know where it is!, loves to say "uh oh", no no is another favorite!, he says Gi Gi's dogs name...Lilly.  There are many more added daily, but those are some of his favorites

*He is seriously painfully shy!!!  It seems to get worse the older he gets and he is a serious Mommy's boy!  He now hides his face if someone tries to talk to him, or he will put his head down and will not under any circumstances look at the person, and he sometimes puckers up and cries!  Bless his little heart!  After about 30 minutes he warms up to the situation, but it takes him awhile

*He loves to play trains and cars with his brother...he still loves any toy with a button to push.  He is seriously obsessed with the Iphone!  I cannot believe how well my 18 month old can work an Iphone...seriously!  He knows how to unlock it and find and play the games he 18 months old!

*LOVES outside and water!!!  Could live outside and doesn't mind water in his face and poured over his head, he just loves it period!

*Getting a little temper on him, he will definitely let you know if he is unhappy about something.  He gets frustrated with toys that he can't get to work

*He is fast, he pretty much runs everywhere he goes!  He is non-stop!  He loves to explore, explore, and explore some more!

*Getting lots of teeth, the poor thing doesn't cut one tooth at a time, he cuts them in 3's and 4's!  He has a mouthful of them!

*Can pretty much eat anything now, but is getting picky!  He basically lives on fruit and peanut butter.  I guess I am getting paid back for being a picky eater as a child because both of my boys are now picky!

*He can now follow two step (or more) is crazy.  You can tell him to go find his lovey and go Bye Bye and he will go find it and go to the back door.  He will find his shoes for you.  He knows when I get him yogurt from the fridge to go to the drawer for a spoon.  He is super smart and just soaks everything in!

*He is a serious cuddle bug and my heart just melts when he comes and cuddles and stick that little thumb in his mouth and cuddles up to lovey!

*He will carry on a serious may not know what the heck he is talking about, but her sure does!

*Loves to dance and will now dance on cue.

 My little snuggle bug
 18 month check up...not wanting to sit still for a picture :)
 His trusty thumb and lovey are always nearby

 Cutie Patootie
 His favorite thing at CMOE
 Loves bath time
 Peanut Butter Jelly Time...and his famous favorite face to make :)

 Nothing like a popsicle on a hot day

 Serious about the Ipad!
 He now says "cheese" when he sees me point the camera at him!
He is just a big ole bundle of love and sweetness and we are absolutely CRAZY about him :)

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