The Mullins

Friday, November 19, 2010

22 months is a look at month 21!!!

Seriously...I feel like every time I turn around he is another month does time go so fast?

Here are some highlights from month 21:

*When he falls down or gets hurt...he says "you okay?", I guess we have said that enough that now he says it for us

*Still in love with all things Toy Story...goes around saying "reach for the sky"...of course it isn't that clear, but he lifts Woody up and says it in his version

*We gave him a whole apple, and he loved now he only wants to eat apples this cutting it up!

*Loves to wrestle with Daddy!

*Any time he sees a car now he says "mmm, mmm, ca-chow" like in the cars movie

*He is getting really excited about Santa...seeing all of the Christmas items around

*Has mastered climbing up and going back down the stairs since his room is upstairs now

*Loves having a toy room, and is really good about playing independently

*He loves animals as I have said before and knows many animals and the sounds they make...even dolphins. We recently taught him to wiggle his nose for a bunny and it is the cutest thing!

*Will lift up my shirt and say baby and give my belly kisses...he is going to be such a good big brother!

*Still loves lining up his trucks...he loves to get things lined up and in order

*Putting multiple word phrases together more often

*Can follow multiple step directions

*Definitely has his own mind...stubborn like his mommy ;)

*So much more, but these are some of the many highlights...he amazes us daily!

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