The Mullins

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hollis is 16 months old!! Here is a look at Month 15...

Hollis is getting so big, and doing his very best to keep up with his big brother.  He also has a mind of his own, he will let you know when he is or isn't happy and when he wants something!  He is just too darn cute, and so smart!!!!

Here is a look at what he has been up to over the past month!

*Words...he now says bubbles, this, no no, ball, night night "ni ni", these are just the new ones he has added to his vocabulary!  We are working hard on saying "Clayton" ;)

*Loves music and dancing, he is so funny...he rocks and walks around clapping

*LOVES, and I mean LOVES outside.  He would stay out there forever if he could!  He especially likes it now that he can run around with freedom!

*Has mastered stairs up and down and can climb the rock wall on the playset already!!!  He keeps me on my toes that is for sure!

*He goes to the pantry and fridge and lets you know exactly what he wants and will fuss at the doors until you let him in.  Then when he picks exactly what he wants he shuts the doors.

*Has discovered a love for books, and will pick a book, hand it to you, and sit and wait for you to read it.  It is so sweet!

*Cutting all of his molars and once and they are taking FOREVER to break through!  Poor baby :(

*Well, we discovered he is allergic to amoxicillan, therefore, he is allergic to all "cillans"

*Does not like to share Mommy, with anyone!  Not even his brother!  He will literally try to push Clayton off of my lap if they are both sitting on my lap!  At Kindermusik another little girl came and sat on my lap because Hollis had gotten up and he literally fell apart! 

*Starting to get after his brother, when his brother does something he doesn't like...he will fuss at him and try to get him back!

*Brings things to you and puts them in your hand if he wants you to do something, like a toy that has a button he can't get to work, or a certain game on my Iphone...yes, the child is 16 months old and already knows how to work an Iphone...crazy!

*"Talks" up a storm.  He sure does know what he is saying, and he means it!

*Pretends to talk on the phone, it is beyond cute :)

*Very animated!!!

*He is always watching and thinking.  He loves to figure out how toys work, and will watch you do something (like put laundry into a basket) and will follow your lead and start to do it too!  He is definitely a thinker like his Daddy, that brain of his is always working!!!

He is the sweetest, most loving baby and we love him more than words can express.  He is so much fun to watch and even more fun to watch he and Clayton interact with each other.  I look forward to watching each and every milestone, he is pure joy!

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