The Mullins

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hollis...13 months old, here's a look at month 12!

I cannot even believe Hollis is one, much less 13 months!!!  I know I say this all the time, but he is such a sweet baby.  He is a cuddler, a thinker, and just an all around beautiful, sweet baby.  His smile is beyond contagious and he has a belly laugh that you can't help but be happy to be around.

Here is a look at what he has been up to over the past month...

*has taken a few steps

*can walk behind Leo the Lion, the walking toy

*Can wave and say "Bye Bye"

*Babbling and saying one syllable words

*Will dance on command, which is beyond cute!

*Likes to mimic what you are doing

*His favorite toy right now is an Elephant that sings and blows balls out its trunk

*Likes all kinds of foods and is completely weaned and drinking milk from a sippy cup and eating all solid foods

*Loves to eat, and if you are eating something and aren't sharing...he is going to tell you about it!!!!!

*Had to be switched to Soy Milk, once I weaned him he started having belly issues, so we had to switch him and he is doing much better

*Is very cautious, and really takes things in and studies things

*Has acquired a little temper and will let you know when he isn't happy about something!

*Still loves his "lovey" and thumb

*We had to put the crib on the lowest setting because he has become very "adventurous" and I was afraid he was going to climb right over already!

*Such a flirt, he is always smiling and talking to anyone who will look his way, but if they talk back he plays shy guy :)

*He is into EVERYTHING, and some of his favorite things to get into are things he shouldn't like the trash can, taking the cover off of the vent on the floor, and ornaments were a big favorite during the holiday

*Getting a little better about letting other people hold him

*Is very tender hearted and puckers up if his feelings get hurt, it doesn't take much

*Got his carseat turned facing forward and he is loving it!

*Some of his favorite foods are mandarin oranges, cereal, big fan of peanut butter, applesauce, and bananas

*Chews on and puts everything into his mouth

*We are now up to 7 teeth!

*He has had a few nights that he actually slept through the night!!!

*Loves to be upside down, his daddy always carries him around like that and he thinks it is just the funniest thing

*Super ticklish and loves being tickled

*Still loves peek a boo

*Loves to sing and dance

*"Talking" up a storm...we may not understand what he is saying, but he sure is telling us something.

*Loves to climb all over Daddy like big brother Clayton

*Loves the tupperware cabinet!!!

*He is at that age that he gets told "No No" a lot, and he will look up at you with that sweet face and say No No No cute it makes you forget what you were saying no to!

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