The Mullins

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hollis is 11 months...I Can't Believe It!!!

It honestly seems like I just had my sweet Hollis, I cannot believe that in one short month he is going to be one!  Where oh where does the time go.  This year has flown by.  He has been such a joy and a huge blessing to our family.  He is so sweet and loving, and is quiet and reserved, almost shy.  At the same time he is funny and inquisitive and loves to explore new things.  He is fabulous in every way and we couldn't imagine life without our Hollis Man!

Here is a look at what he has been up to the last month...

*He really loves the drop game now...he drops it, you pick it up!

*He is beginning to tell his brother when he doesn't want him to do something.  Instead of just crying, he will bat his hand away!

*Still shy and very much a Mommy's boy

*Loves to explore and get into anything and everything.  He puts everything in his mouth and will find the littlest things on the floor and it goes straight to the mouth!

*He has tried several big boy foods now...graham crackers, puffs, banana, cheerios, muffin, bread, and a mandarin orange (which he was not fond of)

*Still loves, loves, loves peek-a-boo!

*Loves to play with balls.  He will be entertained for hours by rolling a ball, crawling after it, and rolling it again

*Cracks up, I mean belly laughs, at just about anything Clayton is so sweet!

*He will dance and wave his hands, or shake a maraca if he has one, when we say shakey shakey shakey

*He claps his hands when we say, "Yay!"

*Does not like to wear hats and will not keep one on, not even for a second!

*Had his second ear infection :(  He was a real trooper though, and when it comes to taking medicine he is a champ!

*Got his 5th tooth, upper left side

*Loves to climb on Daddy and get in on the wrestling action

*Says Da Da now and all kinds of other syllables, screeches, and noises :)

*Loves to crawl into our bedroom where there is a changing table and pull all of the diapers off!

*Is standing for longer periods of time all by himself, so I know that walking is right around the corner!  He pulls up on everything and cruises the furniture like a champ!

*Loves to play in the water in the bath and splashes like crazy!  He wants to stand in the tub the whole time and look over the side to see all the toys he has thrown over from playing the dropsy game :)

*Such a fun and easy going baby...people always ask, "is he always that good?"

*His smile will melt anyones heart...I could just eat him with a spoon he is so sweet.

*Still doesn't sleep through the night...wakes 2 or 3 times.

*Loves to lean back and look at things upside down.  It is sit him up and he will throw himself backwards again to see upside down.  He loves it!

*Loves the vacuum cleaner and will chase it as I use it.  It is hilarious, but I also have to be super careful because he is fast and I am always worried I will run over his little fingers.  Wherever it goes he follows!

*He loves to look at himself in the mirror.  He will just smile and laugh and try to touch the baby in the mirror.  It is so cute!

*He loves to hear his music teachers voice...I swear he gets really still and just stares at him while he sings.  It is so funny.

*Loves to play with your eyelashes

*Another favorite toy is this snail that rolls across the room and has a mirror on the side of it, and he LOVES to chew on the legos while Clayton builds.

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