The Mullins

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Clayton is 2 1/2...hard to believe!

 Wearing Mommy's sneakers
 Clayton and his crew!
 Blurry but cute...wearing Mommy's headband, he thought he was so funny!
I can't believe that Clayton is 2 1/2!!!  Time sure does fly when you are having this much fun.  He is just amazing.  He has such a huge personality...he is outgoing, headstrong, intelligent, a free spirit, loves things in order, passionate, not to mention he is absolutely adorable! ;)  My mom and I laugh that my Dad sent us a replica of himself, Clayton is so like him in so many ways.  He definitely has the Gregory stubbornness and passion!  He does differ from him in the shyness department.  Clayton knows no strangers.  If the doorbell rings, he is the first to go running to the door and greets the person with a million stories.  We just love watching him learn and grow.  It is so much fun to experience things with him because he is so full of passion, he just takes it all in with amazement and joy which makes it that much more fun for us!

Here are some of the many amazing things he has accomplished in this since turning two...

*he knows no strangers, the child is not the least bit shy!

*loves to talk on the phone and tell stories, and his facial expressions are beyond cute...he is such a ham!!!

*LOVES trains and dinosaurs...these two loves have been pretty consistent for quite awhile now...he even watches a dinosaur documentary that Scott recorded for him!

*loves animals and going to the small as our zoo is (and we go there once a week practically and he has the place memorized) he never tires of it...he loves watching a show called Wild Kratts that is both cartoon and real people talking about real animals (documentary style) and he can't get enough of it!

*Talking a mile a minute, and has an unbelievable vocabulary and for the most part talks really clear.  He is definitely a mocking bird...he loves to repeat what he hears on TV and from the people around him , so we have to really watch what he hears!

*Still loves watching movies, and especially loves going to the movie theatre and eating popcorn.  His latest thing is acting out what the characters on TV are doing, so you can only imagine what he was doing after watching Kung Fu Panda!

*Loves to run and play outside...especially swing!

*His vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds.  I just went through some books the other day of animals and another book with numerous objects and he named everyone of them as clear as can be.  It's funny some of the things that he knows that I didn't realize he knew.  Just goes to show they are giant sponges, just taking it all in!!!

*He is eating more these days, probably to keep up with all of the energy he burns!  His variety is still limited...he eats pretty much all fruits, peanut butter, chicken nuggets, and yogurt.  We have to give him the V-8 fruit/vegetable juice because he really doesn't eat any vegetables.  He of course loves any and all junk food...cookies, suckers, cupcakes, french fries, gummy snacks, etc. 

*He remembers EVERYTHING.  Places he has only been once he remembers.  He is still asking daily, "Mama, I ride airplane?"  I have to explain that we don't get to ride an airplane everyday.  He know when we are pulling into our subdivision, and he knows the minute we turn on to Burkhardt Rd. that we are going to Gi Gi's house (my mom lives right off of Burkhardt).  He thinks every time we go to get our haircut we are then going to the zoo because we did it one time!

*Loves to be read to, as much as this kid loves to run around 100 miles an hour, he will sit and listen intently to sometimes 6 or 7 books in a row.  He is so serious and just takes it all in.  He does the same thing when looking at the toy ads on Sunday mornings.  He will seriously look at every item and every detail in those is so funny to watch

*Loves to wrestle with his Daddy and go on "cycle rides"

*Beginning to go through the mine stage, especially now that Hollis is on the move and can get his toys.  It depends on his mood, sometimes he gives Hollis something to play with and shares, and sometimes he wants whatever Hollis has.  Just a part of being 2, something we will be teaching and working on.

*Loves to go places...if we are home for more than 2 days in a row, he is literally at the back door asking to go bye bye

*Knows all of of his letters and letter sounds!!!!!!!!  We are really proud of that.  He knows them out of context as well.  If he sees a letter on a sign or a paper, he can recognize that letter and tell you it's name and sound. 

*Can count to 10!!!!  Knows some numbers as far as identification.

*Can sing the ABC song, and still loves to sing the songs we were taught in Kindermusik.  Looking forward to starting Kindermusik again in August!

*No longer likes to sit in his high chair...eats most meals at his Buzz and Woody table.  It can be a little messy, but he does pretty well I must say.

*Has to have Mama take him night night

*Only takes the pacifier at night time and nap time, but that is getting ready to change very soon!

*Loves to build things with legos...this is a new passion.  He builds houses and planes over and over again.  He will play with these for an hour straight at times...maybe a future architect!?

*Loves to play with big kids.  Even if we are at the museum and he sees a group of kids playing...he will say, "Mama I play with kids!"

*Knows the names of specific dinosaurs

*Likes the show Dora, and for those of you familiar with it there is a little fox that likes to "swipe" things.  Now if someone tries to take something from him he will say "No Swipe!"

*Most of the time he is pretty good about sharing with his brother, but he has his moments.  His latest is "No me!" (meaning it is his!)  We are learning :)

*Talking up a storm and in complete sentences, and communicates so well.  It is amazing to me, I am with him 24/7, but when he communicates to me in a sentence what he wants it just makes me realize how big he is getting.  The other day we were looking for his dinosaur and he went to the bottom of the stairs and said, "Mama it's in the bathroom".  His sippy cup had something on it the other day and he brought it to me and said, "Mama rinse it off".  I am beginning to hear things come out of his mouth that I used to say to him.  He also can listen and follow directions.  The communication skills have just grown by leaps and bounds.

To sum it up, he is just simply amazing and we love everything about him.  From his strong and vibrant personality to his cuddles and kisses he is one beautiful little boy and we are blessed that we get to be his parents!!!

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