The Mullins

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

First Thanksgiving among many other firsts!

This was Clayton's first Thanksgiving and it started out with a bang...literally! We were gathering everything up to head to Aunt Alice's and he was playing on the floor by the island in the kitchen (pulling everything off of the shelves of course) and he pulled up, pulled a book off and fell banging his head on the corner of the island. That left a nice little boo boo on his head. We of course ran to cuddle him and realized he had messed through his diaper all over his cute Thanksgiving outfit! Nice! Once all of that settled down, we headed to Aunt Alice's for a nice day visiting with family. Clayton tried turkey, mashed potatoes, and sweet potatoes, but he didn't think much of it. He just isn't into food other than bananas, puffs, and Popsicles. Clayton loved playing with his cousin Macy. The were so adorable! It is so funny to think back on last Thanksgiving, Macy was just born and Clayton wasn't here yet, we had no idea then what blessings they would be and the joy they would bring.

Clayton has also had some other firsts:

*He now says bye bye and waves opening and shutting his is sooooo cute!

*He claps...he claps for himself after waving bye bye, that probably wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that for the longest time when he would even think about trying to wave we would clap and cheer for him ;)

*He tried his first Popsicle (banana flavored) and LOVED LOVED LOVED it

*The child is absolutely CRAZY over Mickey Mouse Club house...he crawls as fast as he can to the TV when he hears it come on, starts clapping and moving his arms up and down and gets this huge grin on his face. I was bound and determined I was NOT going to have a character themed birthday party until he was old enough to beg for one, but looks like I am going to have to eat those words...Mickey Mouse 1st birthday here we come!
Clayton and his cousin Macy looking out the window at my aunt's house on Thanksgiving
Clayton trying his first popsicle
Clayton's cousin Kaylee feeding him a bottle

Clayton in his Thanksgiving outfit...he looks like such a big boy...

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