The Mullins

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Testing the waters...

It took awhile for Clayton to get used to the new textures of table food. Slowly but surely he is coming around to the new tastes and textures. On Christmas he ate some turkey, hash brown casserole, applesauce, and rolls. He has also come to like diced carrots, graham crackers, goldfish crackers, loves bananas but has to eat them like mommy and daddy do, and potatoes. He has also had whole milk out of a sippy cup. I can't believe that soon, there will be no more baby boy is growing way to fast, but it is oh so much fun to watch!

Eating a graham cracker...notice the Steeler's bib Uncle Brian got him
Yummy Banana...we can no longer eat a banana without Clayton having a fit to have a bite :)

Big bite!

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