The Mullins

Monday, April 30, 2012

Hollis is 17 months old...Here is a look at the past month

I can't believe my baby is 17 months old!!!  We have noticed he has really gotten tall, and walking...forget it, this little guy pretty much runs everywhere he goes!  He is always on the move!  He is becoming a little person with his own unique little personality and he makes us smile everyday.  He is quite the little character :)

He has been up to a lot this past month, here are some highlights...

*He will pretty much try to repeat what you say...of course he is still a baby so it doesn't come out clearly, but he will mimic the sounds and syllables that you say.  Of course he can say some words such as bye bye, baby, night night, these, mama, dada, nana, no no, bubbles, and he tries to say Clayton.  Those are just a few that I can remember at the moment.

*He is a CLIMBER, and I mean this baby climbs everything!!!!  He is quite the daredevil and he scares me to death.  He can now climb up on the couch on his own and once he is up there he stands of course, he climbs up on top of the train table, our stairs have a lip on the outside of them and he climbs up those, he can climb the rock wall of the playset and now he can climb the ladder, and stairs are no big deal for him.  We were at library class the other day and while I helped Clayton do something for 5 seconds, he had climbed up into an adult chair and was standing with this big grin on his face.  Thankfully the lady beside him watched him until I turned around and saw.  Boy oh boy!!!

*He blows kisses now and it is the sweetest thing EVER!!  He even adds the sound affect mmmmwah!

*He is starting to be picky about what he eats, darn...I thought I had at least one good eater, but he is very particular about what he wants.  The throw it all on the floor game is very popular right now!  He does love peanut butter, fruit, yogurt, and pretzels.

*He is very independent and gets very upset when something isn't working.  He is very smart and is quick to watch and figure things out on his own.  If you watch him he is always thinking...people even comment about it.  He has a very serious look on his face and you can tell he is trying to figure it all out!  He knows how it works and he will get you to do it if he can't!

*He know uses for different things, like the remote control.  He loves Dora and Diego.  The other night he was watching and another show came on.  He got up walked over and got the remote and handed it to, change it back to Dora Mommy!  I did and that is exactly what he was wanting!  So smart!

*Still cutting molars, it seems like once he started cutting teeth, he never got a break.  They just pop in one after another, poor baby!

*Loves, loves, loves outside!!!  He is constantly crying at the back door to go out, and if he hears the word outside, he comes running!

*Some of his favorite toys right now are a dancing Mickey Mouse, a push duck, and a wind up musical clock

*While he is daring in the climbing category, he is very fearful and cautious in many other ways.  He stick very close to Mommy and is painfully shy!  The other day his Pop Pop and Lisa came over and he literally hid behind the table and when he finally came out he buried his head in my lap and would not even look at them for the longest time.  He is the same way in Kindermusik, when someone talks to him he runs back and hides his face in my shoulder or lap.  Once you give him some time to warm up he does fine, but he is super shy and a BIG TIME MOMMY'S BOY.  I must admit, I love that my boys are Mommy's boys ;)  They sure do love their Daddy too, but when it comes to the nitty gritty, they want Mommy.

*For some reason, he is very fearful of animals, and I mean even birds!  I think the size and movement of animals and the fact that they are unpredictable and most of them at eye level doesn't help.  He warms up to them, but is super cautious!

*Still loves his thumb and lovey of course ;)

*He loves to go to the fridge and pantry and pick out his own snacks!

*He definitely will let you know when he is not happy about something.  He has this new fake cry/shriek that he does that is his form of tantrum.  It is hilarious because you can tell it is totally fake, and he looks at you like, "are you going to give me what I want or what?!"

*He can follow one step directions like, go get your shoes, and he knows that when you say it is time to go bye bye to head to the back door.

*LOVES the bath.  He is just like his brother...a little fishy.  He doesn't mind water being poured over his head and will splash water in his own face.  So glad that my kiddos don't have a fear of the water because I love it too!

*He loves blowing bubbles and playing with the plastic t-ball.  He will actually go get the ball, put it on the t, pick up the bat, and hit it off all on his own.  He watched me do it several times, then he did all those steps by himself!!!

*Finally likes to swing.  He wasn't ever scared of it, but just didn't seem to enjoy it for the longest time, but now he loves to swing beside his brother...he thinks that is hilarious.

*Loves to run around and around our staircase chasing/catching his brother.

*Still loves the game of hide and seek, I think they always love that game!

*Loves to be read to, will go and get a book and bring it to you and plop right into your lap to be read to.

*He is my little cuddle bug, seriously he is the sweetest, cuddliest baby ever!  He snuggles in with that lovey and thumb and I could cuddle him forever!!!!

I know I say it every time, but he is just a bundle of love, sweetness, joy, and cute all rolled into one and we love him beyond belief.  He is pure sweetness!

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