The Mullins

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Big Brother Update...

Well last week was THE ultrasound, you know the one at which you can find out the sex if you choose...but we didn't. We are still set in our decision to have it be a surprise. Although we didn't find out the sex it was still just as exciting as ever. Clayton didn't feel the same way. Poor little guy, when I laid on the table and the lady started to look around and measure the baby, he started crying and reaching for me saying, "Ma Ma, Ma Ma". I think it scared him, he thought the lady was doing something to me or hurting me. I kept reassuring him by talking to him and smiling and telling him that I was okay, but it didn't really work. We pulled out his gummy fruit snacks, which he LOVES...and he ate them, but cried while doing it. My poor baby. He just isn't old enough to understand what was going on. We kept trying to point at the baby and say, "Look Clayton, there is the baby", but he was looking at that screen like...that doesn't look like any baby I've ever seen before. The great news is that Clayton's baby brother OR sister is healthy and strong and everything looked great! So very thankful for my two blessings, they are the greatest gifts that I have or ever will receive!

1 comment:

  1. Awww....I can't wait to meet baby Mullins! Although a boy would be perfectly fine, I am rooting for a girl! Then you will have the best of both worlds like we do!


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