The Mullins

Friday, August 10, 2012

Excuse Me!

Clayton is always saying such cute things.  I could kick myself half of the time for not writing them all down because I know one day I will regret it!  My babies have always gone grocery shopping with me from the day they were born, and they love it!  Clayton is big enough now that if I have a lot to get he gets to walk beside the cart.  He really thinks this is big stuff, and he is so good about staying with me.  We even had a cashier compliment him on it one time.  Another thing we have always pushed is manners...please, thank you, excuse me, etc.  The other day Clayton wasn't looking where he was going while walking down the aisle at the grocery because something had caught his eye.  He looked up just in time to see a woman pushing her cart and he politely says (without prompting), "excuse me".  She was really taken back, and this huge grin came across her face and she said, "you are excused young man".  She was so impressed with his manners and the fact that I didn't have to prompt him.  He got so much attention from this lady because of it that he continued to say "excuse me" to every single person that walked anywhere near us at the store.  It was hilarious and extremely cute.  Needless to say, he caused a lot of smiles at the grocery that morning and he made me one proud Mommy!

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