The Mullins

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hollis is 14 months is a look at 13 months!

Hollis is just growing like a weed!!!  I can't believe how fast time is flying by.  He has been super busy growing and learning.  Here is a look at month 13...

*We now have a full blown walker on our hands...he not only walks he practically runs trying to keep up with his big brother

*Hollis is definitely my eater, no doubt about it.  He eats more thank Clayton!  He has like pretty much everything he has tried, but he will let you know if he doesn't like it...he either spits it out or pushes it away!

*He is into everything...loves to explore!  Of course like all other toddlers he loves to get into the things he is supposed to.  He loves to climb into the big garden tub in our bedroom or just climb up on the stair of it and turn the water on and off.  Yikes!  So, obviously we have to keep the door to our bedroom closed at all times.  Loves to get into the cabinets and trash can of all things!  He will throw anything and everything away!

*He is so smart...if you show him how a toy works one time, he remembers and can do it himself.  He is a can see those wheels turning, he takes it all in!

*Says lots of words now....a few are Mama, Dada, Nana (banana), bye bye, and just "talks" in general a lot.  He is always babbling about something, and he sure knows what he is talking about.

*Loves music class and musical toys!!!  Hoping he got my Dad's musical talent :)

*One of his favorite games right now is to take all the pillows off of the couch, he thinks this is big fun!

*He also LOVES to crawl on Daddy and roll around on the floor.

*Loves to be "chased", he will literally belly laugh, and he gets those little legs going so fast trying to get away that he usually ends up falling.

*Loves, loves to play and "eat" our phones.  For some reason this is the best toy ever!

*Sleeps through the night!!!  Once I fully weaned him this month, within two weeks he was sleeping 10-12 hours straight!  This is big for those of you who know, he was still waking up to nurse through the night all the way up until this point.

*Such a cuddle bug and so sweet.  He loves to cuddle up with you with his "lovey" and thumb.  He now has to have lovey at all times, not just when sleepy.  So sweet!!!  If he doesn't have it, and you say Hollis where's lovey? he will look for it until he finds it.

*Loves to dance, so cute, he sways back and forth...not the usual bounce like most babies have.  He steps from one foot to the other swaying, it is beyond cute. 

*Still loves hide and seek and will put a blanket on his own head, he usually put it on top and you can still see him, but he thinks you can't.  Too cute

*Still a huge fan of bathtime, so if he see Clayton in the bath and he isn't in it...he will fuss at you until you let him in.  He doesn't mind water being poured over his head, he is an absolute fish in the bath!  He will sit in there and play forever.

*He definitely has the Gregory temper and will let you know when he is mad and is strong willed just like the rest of us Gregorys :)  He will let you know when he doesn't like something!

*Still very shy and reserved, he likes to take it all in first before he is comfortable in a new environment and around people he isn't used to being around.

*He has a belly laugh that is beyond contagious!

*He has the cutest little curls on the back of his head that I cannot bring myself to cut yet!

*Gets his feelings hurt super easy!

Everyone that knows or meets him can't help but say how cute and sweet he is, and I must agree.  He is heaven sent for sure!  Love my little Hollis Man, my life wouldn't be complete without him!

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