Hollis is growing like a weed, and changing and learning new things everyday! I just love watching it all unfold. He is such a beautiful, sweet blessing!!!
Here are some of the highlights from the last month...
*Grabs EVERYTHING...so now you really have to watch what you are holding!
*Can hold and "play" with toys
*Has tried bananas, applesauce, and peaches. He loves baby food, but every once in awhile he will shudder like it is sour or something...hilarious!
*Follows people with his eyes...has a lock on Mommy at all times! He is beginning to recognize "strangers"...meaning he will sometimes pucker up and cry if he is unfamiliar with who is holding him.
*He gets his feeling hurt and scares at loud noises...sticks that lower lip out and belts out the cry
*He is the most laid back, easy going baby. He is always happy and content and smiles from ear to ear. I know I keep saying it, but he really is the sweetest thing!
*He rolls over from belly to back all of the time now! Problem is he is a belly sleeper and can't get back over yet, he reminds me of a little turtle stuck on his back. He gets so upset and those little arms and legs are just flailing :(
*Loves to watch his brother
*Giggles like crazy if you play patty cake, or hold him up in the air
*Still not the best sleeper at night...but we will get there, sooner or later!
*Very ticklish
*Loves to grab your face and pull it to him
*Super strong at pushing himself up when on his belly to look around and he can hold himself like that for a long time
*LOVES the excersaucer!!!!
*Likes to be outside
*Began sucking thumb occasionally
Simply a JOY...we just love our little Hollis Man
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