The Mullins

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hollis Gets A Bathtime Upgrade...

We have been giving Hollis a bath in the sink in the laundry room, and it is hard to believe that he is already outgrowing the bath time in the sink. Time sure does fly when you are having fun, and boy is my sweet Hollis a joy to be around!!! He loves bath time, and tonight we "upgraded" him to the "big" tub. He has always loved bath time and I think he really enjoyed the extra wiggle room because he sure is a little wiggle worm! I can't wait to be able to let Clayton and Hollis play in the tub together, but for now it is a little too wild for little Hollis ;)


  1. Why would you circumcise him? It makes the penis dysfunctional. It removes 20,000 nerve endings. So he will be less sensitive. And there is evidence showing it hurts a woman to have sex with a man that has been cut. Kinda like having sex with a broom stick. Did you know circumcision was brought back to prevent masturbation? Look it up. 500 boys die every year in the USA alone from circumcision. More and more people are choosing not to do it because they understand it is a scam. It's around 50 percent of boys are cut in the US. While 80 percent of males are normal worldwide.

    1. i was as a baby and had it done nope not less sentive at all i actully like it and make my women screem she likes it so what about you shut that fuck up before i show you what else will hurt sticking my thick dick up your ass

  2. Because most American boys circumcised for family tradition, and social conformity. There's nothing wrong with it. And despite what propaganda you have heard there are many medical benefits for circumcising infants routinely.

  3. It's normal for most American baby boys to be circumcised for social Conformity and medical benefits. There is much propaganda that circumcision has no benefit, which is a total lie. There's a reason it's been practiced for thousands of years.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. love to suck him

    1. me too I havesucked a few baby boys I love feeling them pee in my mouth

    2. I would love that, youngestfor me was3, love to do a baby girl to

  6. great job circumcising them!!

  7. Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold were their names. They were pissed off from their "RIC (Routine Infant Circumcisions)". They even cited that in hand-written letters.

    • Actor Jon Paul Steuer
    • Actor Sawyer Sweetin (or was it Sullivan?)
    • Actor Jared Nathan (ZOOM Box 350 Boston, MA 02134)

    1. Blake Heron, too. (left-handed)

    2. Actor Jonathan Brandis had foreskin. I know BC I was an extra on the movie Lady Bugs (Rodney Dangerfield, Eileen Graff) & we shared a dressing room. He *literally* had FORESKIN DOWN TO HIS KNEES. I know, cuz he docked me a few times w/ it [Urban Dictionary it if you don't know... but, #iykyk].

    3. Daniel (Ari's cousin)

  8. He has such a cute little peepee!

  9. I love little boy peepees, they are so cute. I am only 12 so i havent seen a lot.

  10. Poor Lil boy had his tallywhacker circumcised


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