Since he is two now, I do posts all of the time about what he is doing, but I don't do the monthly updates like the first two years. Even though I may not necessarily be posting monthly lists of all he is doing and learning, I do keep track. So, I thought I would update on all the many wonderful things our smart boy is up to these days!
* Knows MANY letter sounds and can identify MANY letters!
*Very independent, but still good at holding your hand when needed. I worked on this a lot before Hollis was born, knowing I wouldn't always be able to hold both of them. I wanted him to know the importance of holding my hand when asked, and most of the time he does.
*He is eating so much better. The foods he eats are limited, but the amount is much better. He still loves his milk and fruit! Those two have always been consistent. He has become very fond of peanut butter which makes us happy because he really doesn't eat much meat or cheese. He knows what he likes and doesn't that is one thing for sure! all kids (and adults) he of course likes junk! How they learn that so quickly I will never know!
*He is a climber!!!! Scary, I know! He has scaled the gate to the stairs, climbed onto the bar stools, and can pretty much conquer everything at the playground...which terrifies me. SURPRISINGLY...he hasn't attempted climbing out of the crib!
*Talking in full sentences
*LOVES the outdoors and literally doesn't want to come in, he would play in rain, sleet, snow if we would let him
*When watching his favorite movies, he will act them out along with the characters and if he has the toy to go along with it he will run to his toy room and find them to watch the movie with him
*Going through major separation anxiety from both Mommy and Daddy...I very rarely leave him at all since I stay at home, but he isn't fond of me leaving him and cries when Daddy goes to work
*Got a new tricycle, but isn't quite ready to pedal yet
*Loves trains, cars, Buzz and Woody, frogs, animals in general
*Loves to sing and sings along with commercials he knows, show theme songs, and knows and sings songs from Kindermusik class
*Learning his good manners...when he burps he says "cuse me" cute! Once I let a burp slip and he said (before I could) "cuse you mama".
*We are still mama and dada and I love it...I swear I never tire of that sweet word coming from his mouth!
*Can build with his train tracks all by himself now
*Daddy and Clayton have been working at separating letters and numbers in the tub...sticking letters on one side and numbers on the other
*Knows and recognizes locations, he recognizes when we are pulling into the subdivision and when we are in Donut Bank parking lot (before even seeing the menu) he starts asking for his doughnut, and when we pull into Gi Gi's driveway he immediately starts asking for Lilly (Gi Gi's dog)
*When Daddy is mowing the lawn, he also mows on the deck with his play lawnmower
*Can identify some numbers, and is beginning to count
*For some reason the child has NO interest in learning his colors!! I have tried and tried and obviously if he wanted to learn them he could because he knows his letters and their sounds for goodness sakes! Either that or he is color blind and we just don't know it yet!
*The child forgets NOTHING...sometimes this is not a good thing! For example, one time after we got his haircut we met some friends at the Zoo...several weeks later we went to get his haircut and he starting asking about the animals and whether or not we were going to the Zoo. Are you kidding me!? We weren't going to the Zoo that day, so that didn't go over very well.
*Speaking of haircuts...he is not a big fan, but our hairdresser is AWESOME and is so patient and good with him! She earns every dollar she makes during that haircut!
*I know there is much, much more but he does and learns so much it is hard to keep up with :)