Here is what Hollis has been up to...
He had his 6 month well check with Dr. Cochran. He is a happy, and healthy baby and we couldn't be more blessed. Dr. Cochran commented on his beautiful smile and sweet perosnality. He is going through that stage where all eyes must be on Mommy and he isn't a fan of people he doesn't see often. He weighed in at 16lbs 2 1/2 ounces and 26 and 5/8ths inches long! He showed off how strong he is. I swear he has been standing with just his hands being held forever. I think he is trying to keep up with his brother! He had to have shots and he wasn't very happy about that, plus he was sleepy, so when we got home he slept for 3 hours...poor guy.
*Such a happy, easy going baby!
*Loves to eat and so far he has tried squash, sweet potatoes, pears, applesauce, peaches, and bananas and I have yet to find one he didn't like. We shall see what happens when the green beans are introduced ;)
*Full fleged thumb sucker, no more paci for this guy. He is just looks so sweet sucking that little thumb!
*Took his first plane ride, trip to the beach, and turned 6 months all while in Florida for the first time
*Can sit up all by himself already!!!!!
*Getting up on his knees and hands and rocking, I think this little guy is going to skip the army crawl! He even gets all the way up on his feet, but we have to watch him closely because he then falls on his face.
*Beginning to recognize strangers and/or people he isn't used to. As long as Mommy is holding him he will smile and coo at people, but boy if he can't see me and someone he doesn't recognize talks to him, that lip puckers up and he starts crying.
*He is so tender hearted, he gets his feelings hurt and scares easily
*He is a little cuddler
*Belly laughs and "talks" up a storm
*Since he has found his voice he likes to make all kinds of shrills and shreiks!
*Felt sand for the first time, and had his little feet in the ocean
*He is seriously the sweetest little thing!!!
*Will lay down awake and get himself to sleep now
*Takes two naps now
*Still loves the exersaucer and floor gym, but is highly entertained by his brother!
*VERY ticklish
*Grasps and holds onto toys
Love, love, love our sweet little Hollis...he is such a blessing!!! Looking forward to watching all of his milestones :)
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