One of my dearest friends has recently gotten into photography. I have been telling her for years she should do this for a living, and she has finally decided to try. She is super talented and I know that her talent will take her far. She came over to visit the other day and brought her camera with her. I am so glad she did because she got some beautiful pictures of my boys!!! I ended up using them for Hollis' birth announcements and Christmas presents. Thank you Julie Bray for capturing these beautiful moments for me, I will cherish them always!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Toy Room
Before Hollis was born, we moved Clayton's room upstairs and made the other upstairs bedroom Hollis' room. There is a joining bathroom that we decorated in monkeys (pictures to come when it is complete). Once Clayton was moved upstairs, we turned that room into the playroom. I finally got all of it organized and then Christmas came and it looked like Toys R Us threw up in there!!! Here is the final product, it is so cute. Clayton loves playing in there and I'm sure Hollis will too!

Matching Christmas Cuties
My good friends from Owensboro came to meet Hollis right before Christmas and brought these adorable matching reindeer shirts with their names monogrammed on them. I am a sucker for matching outfits and all things monogrammed. They looked so cute in them I just had to get their picture. Clayton did not want to sit still long enough to get his picture taken, but I managed to get them in their shirts in the same picture. I must say, they are quite comical!

Santa's Cookies
We had to put cookies and milk out for Santa again this year, but as you will see from the pictures below...Clayton was not in the mood. We got home late from Granny Mullins' house and he was way to tired to deal with the whole taking pictures and getting into the moment. Oh well, Santa got his milk and cookies, mommy got her pictures, and Clayton was tucked all snug in his bed shortly after....and all was quiet all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse!

Christmas 2010
We had a busy, but blessed Christmas! We started out the festivities at Scott's mom's house on Christmas Eve. Uncle B came too, and we all enjoyed Chinese food and opened presents. Getting there was a little scary as it started really snowing on our way there and the roads were horrible. I was a nervous wreck with precious cargo aboard, but we made it there safely. Clayton got a big Buzz and Woody that interact with each other, a game, and some money. Buzz and Woody were a huge hit! Hollis got a floor gym, clothes, and money. It was a nice evening.
The next morning we had Christmas as a family before my mom, Scott's dad, and Uncle B came to join us for breakfast. Daddy stayed up late putting Clayton's train table together so that he would walk out Christmas morning and it would be the first thing he saw. He was so excited...he kept saying "choo choo" and "all aboard". He is really into trains and he has loved watching Polar Express this Christmas. Hollis got a cherry toybox with his name on it. Besides the big gifts, both the boys were spoiled with lots of toys from the grandparents and uncles. Clayton was quite overwhelmed by it all. He had a difficult time and was a little overstimulated by all the people and presents. Both my boys are blessed to have so many people who love and adore them. Mommy and Daddy have the best Christmas presents in the world...two healthy, happy, beautiful boys!
Christmas night we went to my Aunt Alice's. I always love going there and spending time with our extended family. We all live really close, but don't get together often enough. Somehow we are really close even though we don't spend enough time together, we just pick up where we left off, and more than anything we are always there for each other. We enjoyed appetizers and presents. Everyone enjoyed having Hollis there for his first Christmas. Clayton enjoyed playing with his cousins.
The next day we headed to Fulton, TN for Scott's side of the family. I always love spending time there as well. I wish we lived closer! I am so lucky to have married into such a wonderful family...I feel as though I have always been a part of it and now my boys are blessed to be a part of it as well. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch and present exchange. Once again my boys were spoiled and Great Granny Mullins enjoyed seeing the boys...I know she wishes she lived closer and we do to. It was a wonderful day and the boys did so well on the long drive there and back.
I am thankful this Christmas for all that God has blessed me with!
New Toy Box
Wow, Buzz and Woody

New Train Table
My Beautiful Clayton

Pop Pop got him this truck

New Choo Choo Toothbrush
My sweet baby Hollis and the new toy Uncle B got him

Enjoying his new gym Granny Mullins got him
The next morning we had Christmas as a family before my mom, Scott's dad, and Uncle B came to join us for breakfast. Daddy stayed up late putting Clayton's train table together so that he would walk out Christmas morning and it would be the first thing he saw. He was so excited...he kept saying "choo choo" and "all aboard". He is really into trains and he has loved watching Polar Express this Christmas. Hollis got a cherry toybox with his name on it. Besides the big gifts, both the boys were spoiled with lots of toys from the grandparents and uncles. Clayton was quite overwhelmed by it all. He had a difficult time and was a little overstimulated by all the people and presents. Both my boys are blessed to have so many people who love and adore them. Mommy and Daddy have the best Christmas presents in the world...two healthy, happy, beautiful boys!
Christmas night we went to my Aunt Alice's. I always love going there and spending time with our extended family. We all live really close, but don't get together often enough. Somehow we are really close even though we don't spend enough time together, we just pick up where we left off, and more than anything we are always there for each other. We enjoyed appetizers and presents. Everyone enjoyed having Hollis there for his first Christmas. Clayton enjoyed playing with his cousins.
The next day we headed to Fulton, TN for Scott's side of the family. I always love spending time there as well. I wish we lived closer! I am so lucky to have married into such a wonderful family...I feel as though I have always been a part of it and now my boys are blessed to be a part of it as well. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch and present exchange. Once again my boys were spoiled and Great Granny Mullins enjoyed seeing the boys...I know she wishes she lived closer and we do to. It was a wonderful day and the boys did so well on the long drive there and back.
I am thankful this Christmas for all that God has blessed me with!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sweet Brothers...
Clayton is such a sweet big brother! He loves to play with Hollis' fingers and toes, tickle him, and give him kisses. Sometimes he likes to manually swing him in the swing, but I'm not sure Hollis wants to go on that kind of a ride! The other night, we looked over and Clayton had given Hollis his most prized possession...his blanket, or BB as he calls it. Now for those of you who know Clayton well, you know that he goes nowhere and does nothing without his BB. He loves BB, so to give his BB to Hollis was such a sweet thing for him to do. Now, don't get me wrong, he didn't give it to him for keeps, but all the same he shared it with his baby brother...such a precious moment. I will remind them of this when they are older and fighting over the same toy ;)

Hollis...One Month, already!!!
Sweet baby Hollis...this month has gone so fast!!!! I can't believe he is one month old. What a blessing he is. He is such a sweet baby, and so easy going. He takes it all in...when he is awake, he has these huge, bright eyes. It's as if he has so much to tell you, but just can't yet. He looks around and takes it all in. He loves to sleep on his belly and be talked to and isn't' bothered at all by the loudness of his big brother ;) He is a good eater, wants to eat all of the time! Best of all on the actual day that he turned one month, he smiled at me for the first about melting my heart, it brought tears to my eyes. We can't wait to watch him grow and learn. What joy he brings...our hearts are filled with love times two now!

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- Beautiful Baby Boys
- Toy Room
- Matching Christmas Cuties
- Santa's Cookies
- Christmas 2010
- Sweet Brothers...
- Hollis...One Month, already!!!
- A Trip To See Santa!
- Almost 2...Where Has The Time Gone!
- Computer Genius!
- 2 is Twice The Fun!!!
- Kindermusik "Our Time"
- Christmas Decorations and Pictures Take One...
- Christmas Fun!
- Hollis' First Check Up!