The Mullins

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pumpkins, projects, puffs, and boo boos OH MY!

So much to talk about...Well, I will begin with the pumpkins and projects since both have to do with Halloween. We began our Halloween celebration with friends camping, but we also traveled to Lexington to visit our good friends the Nesmith's on Halloween weekend. Here is a cute picture of Clayton the morning after Halloween in his Halloween pajamas "eating" candy.

"Eating" his trick or treat candy

I also had to post the most precious artwork I have EVER seen! Clayton made mommy and daddy a special Halloween project at Mrs. Carrie's house. So cute!

So cute!

Now on to the puffs. Of course everything that has to do with Clayton is exciting to us, so to puffs was no exception! (can you tell we are crazy over this child?) We started out with Banana and Sweet Potato puffs, and it was a big no go! He was not fond of the texture, and literally threw up gagging! A little dramatic I know, but he is my child ;) I had all but given up on the puff idea, thinking my child would be eating pureed food for the rest of his life, when Mrs. Carrie gives him Cheddar puffs for his Halloween present. That was the ticket, the child opens his mouth and eats one after another...loving every bite. Thanks for the Halloween treat Mrs. Carrie and introducing us to a new and better flavor! ;)

I swear he loves them...despite this hilarious face!

Finally, the first big boo boo! Being ever so nosey (again I don't know where he gets it?) Clayton decided to pull a backpack full of books off of a bench onto his head! Left a little boo boo on his forehead and a little one under his eye :( The first of many I know...but still doesn't make it any easier! He is on the move and into everything, along with this comes the boo boos. I can feel the gray hair popping through already :)


  1. Ok, from now on he has to wear a helmet! LOL, Jamie the gray hairs will get worse and worse. He is all boy and will try your patience.

  2. I just love the picture at the top of your blog! We need to get together soon! The kiddos are growing up WAY too fast!!!


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