The things Clayton comes up with just crack me up! If only I could remember all of the funny things he says. There are a few here lately that really cracked me up. So funny how they think!
*So we brought out his one year video the other day and showed it to him. It showed me pregnant and some of the ultrasound pictures. We kept saying, that's when you were in Mommy's belly. You could tell he was really thinking, and as serious as he could be he finally says, "Mommy, how did I get in there...did you eat me??!!!" I about died laughing!
*The other day at Gi Gi's house Clayton was really sad because he wanted a toy. Gi Gi told him he would have to wait until Easter to get that toy. She then said, "Clayton I really wish you would smile!" As serious as could be he said, "Gi Gi I keep trying, but my smile just keeps falling down!"
*The other day he saw and fire and asked how fires start. I proceeded to tell him that sometimes fires start on accident, and sometimes fires are started on purpose like at a camp fire. I then told him that only Daddy's could start fires, that it was extremely dangerous to be around or start a fire and you had to be really big to be able to do that! He thinks about all of that and finally says, "I just wish I had a mustache Mommy!" I'm thinking what does a mustache have to do with it?! I ask him...he replies, I want a mustache because Daddy's have mustaches, and when I have a mustache I can start a fire. Oh my!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Clayton is a ball of energy, typical he needs to get that energy out! In the winter time, that isn't easy to do. We decided to sign him up for tumbling at Newburgh Tumbling and he LOVES it!!! It is seriously the funniest and cutest thing I have ever seen. Already after one month he is bringing his legs up to the bar and doing a forward roll! He is getting better and better at the balance beam! It has been really good for him and we love watching :) For now all I have is videos and I am having trouble downloading, so I will get some pictures this week!
My Little Ninja...
Well we have gone from Batman to a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle obsession! Both the boys are crazy over the turtles! When the theme song comes on they go and get two Tike Stix (their weapons) and come and dance in the living room trying to copy the moves the turtle do. It is super cute. What is even cuter is that while Clayton is watching the turtles to see what they do, Hollis is watching big brother Clayton and trying to do exactly what he does. It is so sweet. Love watching their bond grow :)
Hollis' First Movie :)
So funny to see the different personalities come out in your kiddos. Clayton was sitting through the movies at 18 months old. Hollis is a totally different story :) He just isn't interested in sitting through a movie. Well, I decided to try now that he is a little over 2. I knew before that there was no way. He was thrilled with the whole experience at first. He was running around the lobby and was loving the snack pack got...popcorn of course, candy, and drink. He was set...for about 30 minutes. After the snack pack was gone, he was off and running up and down the aisles!!! My mom was with me thank goodness, so we took turns taking him out in the lobby because Clayton was enjoying the movie. Guess we will wait another year or two to try that again ;)
Iceman Hockey Game
It was Mended Little Hearts night at the Icemen game. We went last year and loved it. We didn't take Hollis because he was so little, but this year we took him. I wasn't sure how he would do because he doesn't sit still! To my surprise, Clayton was the one who lost interest and Hollis absolutely loved it! Every time the music would go Hollis would jump out of his seat and dance! He was so funny!!! When he wasn't dancing he was stuffing his face with popcorn of course :)
Valentine's Surprise
My boys are loved by so many, for that I am truly thankful and blessed! On Valentine's Day I got a text from John, or who the boys lovingly think of and call Uncle John. He had left a surprise on the porch for the boys from Uncle John and Aunt Lori. I was thinking maybe a little bag of candy. To my surprise, there was a big Toys R Us bag with two switch and go dinos inside. Obviously the boys were thrilled!!! Thank you so much Lori and John for loving my boys and thinking of them and treating them as your nephews. We love you guys so much :)
A Nice Day
This winter has seemed to drag on and on. We had a nice weather day the other day, so we decided to take full advantage and go to the park. We spend lots of time outside and at the park is one of our favorite places. It was so nice to be outside again!!!
In Love With This Picture...
Clayton is in LOVE with Batman and like I have said before he LOVES to dress up and when he does he is very serious about it and in character. He wears it around the house all of the time, but recently he has wanted to wear it out. The other day he wanted to wear it to the grocery store and I thought why not?! I mean you are only 4 once and if you want to be Batman at the store, so be it! It was so funny the reactions we got. People were so nice about it. One lady even said, "Oh my, what a treat, I had no idea I would see Batman at the store today! Thank you Batman for saving the world!" He is in character, seriously, when he wears it, so he really thought this was something. Just a simple decision to let him wear his costume to the store, ended up making my day and his. Sometimes I get wrapped up in not making messes, or avoiding things like letting him put on his costume before we go because of time, but I need to and try to take the time to do these things. They grow up so fast, and I want to savor every moment and make great memories for them, big and small!
Obsessed With Popcorn
Hollis is seriously obsessed with making popcorn in the air popper!!! He cries at the cabinet the popper is in if you say no. He helps make it, and he will sit and watch it until it is finished popping. He LOVES making and eating popcorn! It is seriously cute :)
My Little Stinker ;)
Oh my little Hollis man...he is fearless. It is an everyday occurrence for him to be standing in the middle of the counter height kitchen table...or to find him stripped of his pajamas. He is hilarious, his facial expressions are just adorable and his laugh is definitely contagious. Here are some pictures of my sweet little guy up to his antics ;)
Behavior Chart
Well, 4 has had its challenges...I think that is just it, he is testing to see just how serious we are about rules and what we say. He is incredibly well behaved for others and in public, but I think since he and I are together 24/7, he tends to test the waters with me. I did some research and came up with a positive behavior chart. It involved coins with super heroes which he loves. So far so good! He met his first goal and as you can see he is super happy about it :)
Dear Clayton,
Dear Clayton,
Where to start! These 4 years have been the best years of my life by far and it has everything to do with you! You gave me the title Mommy, something I have wanted my entire life. I don't know what I did to receive a blessing such as you, but I will be eternally grateful! I don't even know where to start to tell you how incredibly amazing you are. You are smart, funny, wild, serious, caring, kind, outgoing, stubborn, strong willed, and the list could go on for miles. I love that you always have a story to tell, a kiss to give, and a smile to share. You are like a little sponge, it seems it only takes once before you know it and once you do, you never forget it! Your laugh is simply contagious, and there isn't a single person who meets you who isn't instantly smitten with you. You just light up the room with your presence. You, little boy, can do anything you set your mind to. I have not one doubt about that. I am and will always be your biggest fan...and like I always tell you...I love you more than anything in the world, and there isn't anything you could ever do that could change that. I love you with my whole are my pride and joy and I cannot wait to see where life takes you.
Love you forever, your biggest fan...
Where to start! These 4 years have been the best years of my life by far and it has everything to do with you! You gave me the title Mommy, something I have wanted my entire life. I don't know what I did to receive a blessing such as you, but I will be eternally grateful! I don't even know where to start to tell you how incredibly amazing you are. You are smart, funny, wild, serious, caring, kind, outgoing, stubborn, strong willed, and the list could go on for miles. I love that you always have a story to tell, a kiss to give, and a smile to share. You are like a little sponge, it seems it only takes once before you know it and once you do, you never forget it! Your laugh is simply contagious, and there isn't a single person who meets you who isn't instantly smitten with you. You just light up the room with your presence. You, little boy, can do anything you set your mind to. I have not one doubt about that. I am and will always be your biggest fan...and like I always tell you...I love you more than anything in the world, and there isn't anything you could ever do that could change that. I love you with my whole are my pride and joy and I cannot wait to see where life takes you.
Love you forever, your biggest fan...
Clayton's Actual Birthday!
We have a tradition of a birthday serenade and doughnuts with a candle in it for breakfast on their actual birthday. So we started off Clayton's actual birthday just like that! Later that day we met GiGi for lunch at Culvers where he had ice cream with blue sprinkles. He also had a special birthday song sung by his Kindermusik classmates and Mrs. Julie his teacher. We even extended the celebrations after church on Sunday where he got a song and sombrero at Hacienda, his favorite restaurant :) I think all in all it was a great weekend of celebrating our amazing little 4 year old!
4 Year Updates...
At his check up he weighed in at 31.5 lbs...that's right people, we finally made it to 30!!!! He is in the whopping 12th percentile! His height is 38.75 inches, which is the 18th percentile. Even though he is little, he is going up on his own chart, so Dr. Cochran was pleased with his progress. He was such a big boy at his Dr appointment and didn't make a fuss about anything. He talked Dr. Cochran's ear off ;)
Wow, where to start on what all he can do now...
Write his name independently
Knows all letters and corresponding sounds
Can count to 20
He is like a sponge, and never forgets ANYTHING
He knows no strangers
He loves to tell stories and dress up in characters
HUGE and I mean HUGE Batman fan, he practically lives in his Batman costume, and when he is in the costume he is in character...he can no longer be called Clayton!!! He is very serious about this!
He is a worry wart...unfortunately he got this characteristic from me :/
He can do patterns
An excellent big brother, always worried about him and taking care of him...don't get me wrong they definitely fight as well, but overall they are really best buddies :) I adore watching them together and the bond that they share!
He likes a schedule and needs to know things ahead of time
I know there is so so so much more but those are some highlights!!!
4 Year Updates...
At his check up he weighed in at 31.5 lbs...that's right people, we finally made it to 30!!!! He is in the whopping 12th percentile! His height is 38.75 inches, which is the 18th percentile. Even though he is little, he is going up on his own chart, so Dr. Cochran was pleased with his progress. He was such a big boy at his Dr appointment and didn't make a fuss about anything. He talked Dr. Cochran's ear off ;)
Wow, where to start on what all he can do now...
Write his name independently
Knows all letters and corresponding sounds
Can count to 20
He is like a sponge, and never forgets ANYTHING
He knows no strangers
He loves to tell stories and dress up in characters
HUGE and I mean HUGE Batman fan, he practically lives in his Batman costume, and when he is in the costume he is in character...he can no longer be called Clayton!!! He is very serious about this!
He is a worry wart...unfortunately he got this characteristic from me :/
He can do patterns
An excellent big brother, always worried about him and taking care of him...don't get me wrong they definitely fight as well, but overall they are really best buddies :) I adore watching them together and the bond that they share!
He likes a schedule and needs to know things ahead of time
I know there is so so so much more but those are some highlights!!!
Brave Little Hollis
As much of a dare devil as Hollis is, he has been scared to do the bounce houses for the longest time. I finally figured out that he doesn't like that fact that he can't stand in them yet. He finally decided to go for it and of all things he of course chose the humongous slide and went down it over and over and over!
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